Kamis, 28 November 2013

Breaking News

My name is Nuril istighfaroh. my nickname is Nuril, but my family usually call me Nin. I come from sidoarjo but now I live in Surabaya. because I am currently studying at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, English Literature of Adab Faculty. I graduated from MAN Mojosari Mojokerto. My first knowledge of the natural sciences, but do not know why I can enter in the English Department.hehe.... but I am quite happy with my current life. although my skills are very little in terms of literature. I remain optimistic and do not stop to keep learning. spirit :)

IAIN vs UIN : Reconstructing Institution

Today, the State Islamic Higher education institutions entered a new phase. Such case, due to the state of academic programs implemented in the form of the Institute, no longer fit, so it needs to be developed to the scope of the broader academic programs, namely in the form of the University. Conversion Institute became the University actually has been initiated long ago by the founder of IAIN predecessor. IAIN development plan into UIN is increasingly intensified. However, at the same time there are various concerns and other issues that need to be addressed immediately in order to plan the convention IAIN to UIN can be realized. The change itself is not so difficult, all authorities agree. However, an extremely important consideration is the implications of those changes, among others, faculty, facilities and infrastructure, funding, scientific concepts, and many others. Everything is waiting for the maturation of the founding of the State Islamic University. Therefore, the development and improvement of the IAIN is a must.
Changes idea IAIN to UIN
            Changes IAIN to UIN indicates a more advanced consciousness process. During this IAIN considered campus that produces religious teachers, substitute imam, the officer mosque, and recitation performers. This perception is revealed when the graduates of IAIN not developed because the resulting certificate has no standards demanded by the market. It is undeniable, that the desire in every graduation is oriented to guarantee a decent job. UIN formation is part of an effort to integrate diverse scientific to eliminate the dichotomy between public science and religion. This was deemed necessary in an attempt to provide a basis for the development of Islamic ethics of science and technology. In addition, the presence of globalization make a challenge for the Islamic world. Various developments in science and technology communication that occurred in this era, can not simply be ignored. To respond to these advances, which have the necessary educational and competitive advantages that can be used as an alternative to the onslaught of Western influence in every aspect of life.
            This is what underlies the changes in the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) in Indonesia has become the State Islamic University (UIN), including in Surabaya. Some argue, that this change is that the fairness based on the desire to develop a broader istitusi, that is not only focused on learning religious sciences. It is hoped the Islamic University will be able to educate the public in accordance with the current requirements relevant to the progress made.
IAIN Sunan Ampel changes to the UIN
            IAIN Sunan Ampel respond preparation into UIN, the students brought some questions. These questions lead to the reason why IAIN should turn into UIN. They also predict if it later becomes UIN IAIN successful, will lead into a marginalized position of Islamic studies. There is concern that the changes become UIN will impact the fragmentation of concentration or add a new burden.
            Questions like this, actually have too often heard and read. Even too many answers from IAIN Sunan Ampel officials who have been published in the blog. The amount of curiosity about the reasons why the conversion to the UIN will be done, of course, be important in the midst of the changing desires. And this question is also to strengthen the entire academic preparation within the framework of the conversion of UIN the interest to the study of UIN-UIN which had already been doing the conversion.
            To become UIN certainly not the only important aspect of Islamization of science, but also provide greater opportunities for graduates high school or senior high boarding school because of economic factors and then not be able to continue their education to the natural sciences courses. Is it not the fact that the economic level of society, especially those that send their children to boarding schools is that they are generally not of a group of  high class economically. Most enthusiasts learn in IAIN are people who are economically lower middle class.
            Establishing Islamic institutions certainly have a dual function, namely the function of academic and propaganda. In the academic function, then by expanding the spectrum of scientific means to expand and provide access to the nation’s children to be in addition to academics who have expertise in their field of study was also able to become a preacher in a professional manner. Would not it be ideal if there was a preacher with the ability to explain the verses of the Qur’an through an academic approach, while there is also a religious scholar who is highly qualified for its thoroughness in understanding religion. Thus, on the one hand will produce a very cualified theologians, on the other hand is being produced science experts who have scientific expertise as well as a very adequate and religious experts who are committed to the development of science and society.
            Through into UIN, the kind of courses are social science faculty then it should be in the clear. If the courses are language and literature at the Faculty of Adab, then in the example embodies Japanese literature, Chinese literature, German literature and so on, required is to give the container, for example, is the Faculty of Adab and Humanities. Similarly, Social Science should not be in the Faculty of Dakwah, but should if you put there, it will be the Faculty of Dakwah and Social Sciences.
            Thus, in the development plan into IAIN SA to UIN SA is always considering kefakultasan dimension and study programs that are considered relevant, for example, deliberately not developed science of positive law, as a consequence has been deemed sufficient in the development of Islamic studies Islamic Legal Studies. Therefore, the development of the planned study program at UIN it would still consider this position as long as it is science that needs to be developed.
            In the circumstances, then Prof. Dr.. H. Nur Syam, M.Ag confirms that the development of Islamic knowledge always negotiate with the social sciences, the humanities and science, so the accusation that the UIN will be to marginalize Islamic knowledge will be reduced accordingly.
Conversion implications IAIN towards UIN
            IAIN changes into UIN is not only happening in Surabaya, but there are some who have become campus IAIN UIN, among UIN Sunan Kalidjaga Yogyakarta, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim New Week, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, and UIN Alauddin Makasar. Changes some IAIN into UIN status brings significant effect. Judging from the goal, this is not just a name change administrative changes, but the long-term vision, which is to restore the glory of Islam.
            Despite its noble objectives, inevitably become UIN status change IAIN negative impacts that can not be avoided. In terms of education, at least three appears negative impact of this change in status, which does not appear when still a IAIN. First, this change turned out to result in a tendency towards a lack of interest in religious sciences which has been the hallmark of education at IAIN pattern.
            Former Minister of Religious Affairs Maftuh Basyuni said, if there are students who enrolled at the Islamic studies program at UIN, usually just out of necessity due to not accepted in general education courses. Opinions Maftuh Basyuni this as indisputable. In fact, the state of the field and it is the way they are. It is quite ironic, considering the Islamic studies program that should be seeded and favorite UIN. The existence of this compulsion, compounded with the quality standards of education UIN is still low.
            Second, the model of education in general, that the majority of study programs based on theory over the West. Though Western-style education model that only dwell on the problems of materialism, failing to meet all aspects of education from an Islamic perspective. According to the Islamic view, education is actually a way to achieve human nature believer. Education is an attempt to make the real man who walks with the guidance of God’s revelation. As a result, the base westernized applied at UIN instead submerge historical side of religion that should be owned by every Islamic University.
            In this globalization era, antipathy towards Western theories indeed is a taboo. Progress experienced Western Countries make all knowledge derived from it can not be ignored. However, the West should realize that science is not only able to have implications for the progress in the Islamic world, but also is able to destroy the existing order. Therefore, a balance between the two to be mutually beneficial.
            Third, the emergence of a dichotomy (divorce) between Islamic knowledge with general knowledge. A concrete example of this dichotomy can be seen from the number of UIN students-especially those from high school and entered the general course-felt antipathy towards religious subjects smelling. They argue, religious subjects have nothing to do with the direction you take. Result was predictable, the majority of students UIN has a very low understanding of the Islamic sciences.
            This dichotomy led to a huge decline in the quality and standard of education in Islam itself. In fact, Islam does not recognize the dichotomy of science. Ismail Raji al-Faruqi said Muslims believe that all knowledge comes to the basic texts, the Qur’an and Hadith. Therefore, it is not true if it appears the notion that science should be separate from the general Islamic knowledge. This separation will be the tipping point for Muslims in education.
            Based on the irony, then it should act as a counter-advances the science dichotomy should be immediately removed from the thoughts of Muslim intellectuals, especially students of UIN. As Albert Einstein said, religion without science like the lame, and science without religion as a blind person.
Thus the ideas presented, just to be extra critical for scientists of Islamic education, the main initiator of IAIN Sunan Ampel conversion into UIN. The presence of UIN is not expected because it is to transform the institution, but more than that, epistemological tradition that had been grown in IAIN be metamorphosed towards a new epistemology more Sintesi and integral.

            In addition, the academic community, the authors hope that the presence of UIN SA can later build more construction of Islamic scholarship has roots from the teachings and traditions of Muslims themselves, although it should also synthesizes outside the Islamic tradition. But most importantly, the presence of which is a form of UIN IAIN Sunan Ampel change to build a new civilization which is not only in the context of the Islamic world, but civilization which can inspire the world today.